OneSpan Sign Developer: Signer Workflow and Coordinate Conversion

Haris Haidary,

In this blog, I will go over what you might have missed in the OneSpan Sign Developer Community during the week of January 8th and 15th, 2018. Let's get straight to it.

Parallel Signing

During the Signing Ceremony, you may want to control the order in which your recipients sign as oppose of having recipients signing in parallel. With OneSpan Sign, you can accomplish so by setting a recipient workflow. Hence, a recipient with a given signing order can participate only after all recipients with lower signing orders have completed signing. 
In some specific cases, you may allow hybrid signing workflow where, for example, a signer needs to sign first. You can achieve this by giving this signer the lowest index. Then, once this signer completes signing, email notifications will be sent to out to the rest of the signers in the transactions for signing. 
To note, this hybrid signing flow can be only specified through SDK and API.
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Coordinates Conversion

Elsewhere, the unit of measurement used in OneSpan Sign for positioning signatures and fields are points. If you are starting with inches, there are 72 points to an inch (resolution) and a conversion factor of 1.3 for the coordinates with OneSpan Sign. Hence, you have 93.6 points per inch. Link to Post

Turn Off Emails

Lastly, when creating transactions, recipients will receive an email notification to sign their documents. However, you have the ability to disable these emails, if for example, you are doing an embedded integration with OneSpan Sign. You will need to contact our support team in order to do so. From the link below, you can find the complete list of email templates you can turn on or off. Link to Documentation If you have questions regarding this blog or anything else concerning integrating OneSpan Sign into your application, visit the Developer Community Forums: That's it from me. Thank you for reading! If you found this post helpful, please share it on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Haris Haidary

Technical Evangelist

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