Tips & Tricks: How to Configure Transactions for Signing with Digital Certificates

OneSpan Team,

For organizations scoping out an e-signature solution that allows signers to securely e-sign documents using digital certificates on smart cards or tokens, look no further!   Whether you’re a U.S. government agency that requires employees to e-sign documents with government-issued smart cards, or an organization that needs to meet eIDAS requirements with Qualified E-Signatures, eSignLive offers support for your signers to e-sign documents with digital certificates.   In a previous how-to blog post, I showed how easy it is for your signers to e-sign documents with digital certificates on a smart card in eSignLive. Did you know that you can conveniently specify which signers in your transactions need to e-sign documents with digital certificates? Let's take a look at how you can configure your transactions to do this.

How to Configure Transactions for Signing with Digital Certificates in OneSpan Sign


  • To begin, ensure the "Signing with Personal Certificates" option is enabled in your OneSpan Sign account.


  • Click the "New Transaction" button in the top right hand corner.

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  • Enter a title for your transaction. Click the "Create" button.

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  • Add your documents and recipient to the transaction
  • Click the ellipses icon for the signer who needs to e-sign the transaction using their digital certificate, then click "Settings". In this example, Sam will e-sign the transaction using his digital certificate.

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  • Next, in the Recipient Settings dialog box, select "Signing Method". In the drop-down menu, select "Personal Certificate" then click "Save". Sam can now e-sign the transaction using his digital certificate.

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  • Click "Next"

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  • Add signature blocks to the desired locations on your document for your recipients to sign. Click the "Send to Sign" button to distribute your document for signing.

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It’s that easy! With a couple of clicks, you can quickly specify which signers can e-sign documents with digital certificates! What’s more, after your signers successfully signed the document, a secure, tamper-sealed PDF with a comprehensive audit trail is embedded directly into the document showing who signed, in what order, when, where and which certificate was used to sign the document.  

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