OneSpan Sign developer: Release 11.50 overview – part 2

OneSpan Sign version 11.50 was recently deployed to preview and sandbox environments, and the update includes new and exciting product capabilities. In the previous blog, we outlined some of the most notable updates in this release. Picking up where we left off, we will unveil enhanced audit events, and transaction descriptions in the UI in this blog and explain how these solutions could empower your use cases. Let’s get started!
Enhanced Audit Events
For every transaction, OneSpan Sign captures all the digital fingerprints as signers go through a signing process. These audit events provide visibility into when and how the transaction took place. Integrated users can retrieve the list of audit events for a particular transaction via API:
GET /api/packages/{packageId}/audit
As of release 11.50, OneSpan Sign has further improved the API and each event node now returns the document and recipient IDs in order to better differentiate the documents and recipients with same name, see the example below:
{ "type": "Capture Signature", "date-time": "2023-03-01 15:44:34", "target": "Sample Contract", "target-type": "Document", "user": "John Smith", "user-email": "[email protected]", "user-ip": "1xx.2xx.6xx.1xx", "data": "Approval: 886PEZxrUvoA", "document-id": "7be8d3ad11aa8fff7a1846e1cd24a4d92a7bb84412e6e573", "user-id": "bBfXECpDr04L" }
Note that “document-id” and “user-id” are newly introduced, both are types of string with a maximum of 256 characters. However for existing transactions, their audit events will have null values for these two columns. When you are upgrading the code, make sure the entries with null values are properly handled.
Transaction Description in UI
Transaction description is somewhere you can provide supplementary information regarding to the signing process and could be essential to identify and differentiate between transactions. In this regard, OneSpan Sign has adjusted the sender portal UI and have the transaction descriptions appear in any list or table that contains transaction name.
These descriptions appear directly under the names with a smaller font. You can search the description in the search bar to help you find a particular transaction more conveniently.
We Want to Hear Your Feedback
There it is. We have outlined four newly introduced features in release 11.50. If you have any questions regarding this blog or anything else concerning integrating OneSpan Sign into your application, visit the Developer Community Forums. Your feedback matters to us!