OneSpan Sign Developers: Virtual Room Recording – Part 1

OneSpan Sign Virtual Room (VR) offers vendor-independent audit trails with the option to capture a video recording of the Virtual Room session, which could significantly improve the usefulness of the electronic evidence, ensure compliance, and support your organization if there is ever a dispute over the contract signing process.
In this blog, we will walk through the process to configure a transaction for Virtual Room recording and how you can leverage the feature in real time. Without further delay, let’s get started!
Configuring Virtual Room Recording
For integrated users, it’s very straightforward to enable the feature when creating a Virtual Room transaction. Simply turn on the flag “videoRecording” when configuring Virtual Room related settings via the API below:
HTTP Request
PUT /api/packages/{packageId}/virtual-room/config
HTTP Headers
Authorization: Basic api_key / Bearer access_token Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json
Example Payload
{ "video": true, "videoRecording": true, "startDatetime": "2022-02-14T03:14:00.000Z", "hostUid": "Owner", "sessionTime": 60, "sessionTimeoutWarning": 15 }
If you are creating the transaction via sender UI portal, in the transaction edit page, scroll down and switch the signing mode to “Virtual Room”. The “Configuration” option will be clickable where you can turn on the video capability and schedule a date and time for the Virtual Room session.
After the transaction has been fully dressed, you are ready to send the transaction. All recipients will receive an email notification containing conference information and an access link to the signing ceremony.
Virtual Room Recording in Action
When all participants are brought into the Virtual Room. The Welcome screen appears, showing the tasks that need to be completed during the session. The advisor clicks the ”Start Signing” button to initiate the signing process. Below is a screenshot from the Virtual Room host’s perspective:
The host has various control over the signing process, such as pass control to a signer, managing participants, and initiating the recording.
When the video recording begins and is stopped, a popup message appears and notifies the signer:
Virtual Room recording starts and stops will be audited as Virtual Room events and present in the evidence summary:
There it is. By now we have walked through how to enable the Virtual Room recordings and the feature in action. In the next blog, we will show how the host can be notified when video recordings are ready to download and how to download the recordings programmatically. If you have any questions regarding this blog or anything else concerning the integration of OneSpan Sign into your application, visit the Developer Community Forums. Your feedback matters to us!