Packaged Services Overview

Mobile Authenticator Studio (MAS)
MAS 5 Starter Package
MAS 5 Migration Package
MAS App Store Publishing Package
MAS Base Implementation Package
MAS Customization 1-Day Competency Development Package
MAS GUI Configuration Package
MAS RASP Starter Package
MAS Recurring Upgrade and App Store Publishing Package
MAS Upgrade Package

Mobile Security Suite (MSS)
MSS Integration Starter Package
MSS Integration Verification Service Package
MSS RASP Starter Package

OneSpan Authentication Server (OAS)
OAS Active Directory Federation Server Installation Package
OAS Additional Server Installation Package
OAS Base Installation Package
OAS Citrix Filter Installation Package
OAS Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon Installation Package
OAS Digipass Gateway Installation or Upgrade Package
OAS LDAP Synchronization Installation Package
OAS Upgrade for Low DIGIPASS Count Package (Max 7000 DIGIPASS)
OAS Small Upgrade Package (Max 20000 DIGIPASS and Min OAS 3.16)
OAS Large Upgrade Package (Min 20000 DIGIPASS or Max OASv3.16)
OAS OWA Filter Installation Package
OAS Password Synchronization Manager Installation Package
OAS Recurring Primary Server Upgrade Package
OAS Recurring Secondary Server Upgrade Package
OAS Remote Desktop Web Access Installation Package
OAS SOAP SDK Integration Engineering Guidance Package
OAS Solution Design Package
OAS User And Admin Competency Development Package
OAS User Management Portal Engineering Guidance Package
OAS User Self-Management Portal Installation or Upgrade Package

OneSpan Authentication Server Framework (OASF)
OASF Integration Validation Package
OASF Starter Package

Branded Mobile Authenticator (BMA)
Branded Mobile Authenticator for OCA Package
Branded Mobile Authenticator (BMA) Update Package

OneSpan Sign
OneSpan Sign Starter Package
OneSpan Sign Starter Package Express (without API integration)
OneSpan Sign Solution Review Workshop Package
OneSpan Sign DKIM Email Configuration Package
OneSpan Sign Single Sign-On Configuration Package
OneSpan Sign Migration Add-On Package
OneSpan Sign Core Onboarding Add-On Package
OneSpan Sign Out of the Box Integration Add-On Package Details

Other Packages
OneSpan Adhoc Professional Services Package
Distribution Service Package

Identity Verification (IDV) – (Formerly Secure Agreement Automation)
OneSpan Sign Identity Verification Configuration Package
OneSpan Identity Verification Fast Track Package

Trusted Identity (TID)
OneSpan Cloud Authentication Starter Package
OneSpan Cloud Authentication Data Migration Package
OneSpan Cloud Authentication Custom Workflow Package
OneSpan Intelligent Adaptive Authentication Retail Starter Package