Not all security measures require sophisticated procedures with multiple steps and physical entries required to authenticate users. Neither should it pose a large expense. Digipass GO 3 offers a simple and affordable two-factor authentication solution.
User acceptance of security tools is a crucial factor in guaranteeing the success of security solution implementations for secure access to remote applications and networks. An alternative to the risk that static PINs and TAN lists pose, Digipass GO 3 is very affordable, ultra-user friendly, and quick and efficient to rollout to users.
These advantages allow you to close all security gaps in user authentication in a matter of hours. Digipass GO 3 is also able to carry corporate logos, branding and custom colors to suit your business. Digipass GO 3 is the perfect balance between an elegant design, and an unrivaled degree of portability and affordability in an easy to use security device.
Easy to use
“The touch of a button” encapsulates all that busy users could want in a device that their employer requires them to use. Digipass GO 3 is very small, and features a high contrast LCD display and a single button. This combination offers the ultimate in user-friendliness and high security: One push on the button and Digipass GO 3 shows a unique one-time password on its LCD display.
The user then enters this one-time password into their application login screen. Digipass GO 3 can be combined with different platforms, including PCs, telephones, Internet kiosks and mobile phones, making its use practically anywhere at anytime a plus for users and organizations alike.
Easy to deploy
The integration of Digipass GO 3 into existing networks is simple and fast. Any static password or existing TAN (pre-printed lists of TransAction Numbers) numbers can be replaced instantly with the more secure Digipass GO 3 dynamic password.
Once the unit has been programmed (to suit your authentication needs) and is handed over to the user, there is no need to read lengthy manuals or call on the network manager. Its use is obvious and simple, requiring virtually no support or training.
Unlike other tokens, the user cannot lock Digipass GO 3, as no PIN entry is required. If required, Digipass GO 3 can be reprogrammed for distribution to another user in cases where an employee is promoted, or even leaves the company
Digipass GO 3 is fully interoperable with all members of Digipass family and works seamlessly together with the OneSpan Authentication Server and over 50 vendor applications to ensure deployment at the lowest total cost of ownership.
Security within everybody’s reach
Not all security measures require sophisticated procedures with multiple steps and physical entries required to authenticate users. Neither should it pose a large expense… Digipass GO 3’s normal battery lifetime of 5 years and beyond offers a very high return of investment.

Strong authentication using Digipass GO 3 is the simply implemented, affordable solution. Whether in corporate networking or remote access to banking information - users more readily accept simpler devices that guarantee secure access.
What’s more, Digipass GO 3 can be:
- Carried on a key chain
- Attached to an existing proximity card
- Worn around the neck, or
- Simply be carried in a pocket or purse!
When the design is stylish and the user is not confronted with procedures or difficult to use tools, the acceptance battle is won.
Weight: 10 g, including battery
Size: 12,5 x 30 x 60 mm (H x W x L)
8-character LCD display
Activated by pushing 1 small button
DES or 3-DES, AES, OATH HOTP/TOTP optional
On board real time clock
Encryption can be:
- Time synchronous
- Time and event synchronous
Can be combined with a PIN entry on a PC
Battery: non-replaceable, lifetime expectancy up to 5 years
Compatible with Digipass family members
Compatible with over 50 major application software vendors
Supports OneSpan’s multi OTP technology
Short storage temperature
-10° C to 50° C;
90% RH non condensing
IEC 60068-2-78 (damp heat)
IEC 60068-2-1 (cold)
Operating temperature
0° C to 45° C;
85% RH non condensing
IEC 60068-2-78 (damp heat)
IEC 60068-2-1 (cold)
10 to 75 Hz; 10 m/s2
IEC 60068-2-6
1 meter
IEC 60068-2-31
EN 55022
4 kV contact discharges
8 kV air discharges
3 V/m from 80 to 1000 MHz
EN 55024
Compliant with European directives
- CE: 89/336/EEC or 2004/108/EC
- RoHS: 2002/95/EC
- WEEE: 2002/96/EC