
Going beyond your initial eSignature use case

Recorded on: July 26, 2023


  • Joy Kim, Digital Agreements Consultant  
  • Patrick Albert, Senior Solutions Architect 

Recent years have seen a fundamental shift in the way organizations prioritize digital transformation tools, including the accelerated adoption of e-signatures.  

Now, as digitization efforts mature and the added benefits to customer experience, compliance and operational efficiency emerge, organizations are looking for ways to rapidly extend those benefits to additional business lines, channels and use cases.  

In the second of this 2-part webinar series, we uncovered ways for moving beyond your initial e-signature use case and identify the right set of next use cases to tackle, including:  

  • How to replicate in-person interactions through digital platforms that integrate e-signature, videoconferencing, identity proofing, and rich collaboration capabilities  
  • Tips to gain buy-in from internal stakeholders to expand your e-signature project  
  • Best practices for scaling your infrastructure and developing a center of excellence