
Unlocking the power of In-Person Electronic Notarization (IPEN)

  • Dilani Silva, Senior Product Marketing Manager, OneSpan
  • Raquel Lima, Senior Product Manager, OneSpan
  • D’Marco Saunders, Demand Generation Manager, OneSpan

In-person electronic notarization (IPEN) is a cutting-edge approach to notarizing documents that combines the convenience of digitizing notarizations in traditional, face-to-face setting. Harnessing this hybrid approach to completing notarizations electronically is revolutionizing the way legal transactions are executed.

In this webinar, our digital transformation experts will guide you through understanding the fundamentals of IPEN and its innovative approach to notarizing documents. Our expert panel will explore the benefits and unique challenges IPEN aims to solve, decipher the key distinctions between IPEN and Remote Online Notarization (RON), discover compelling use cases that showcase the versatility of IPEN, and present a demo of the feature.

Whether you're new to IPEN or seeking to deepen your understanding, this webinar promises to equip you with valuable knowledge to navigate the evolving landscape of electronic notarization.